Learn. Inspire. Teach.
It all begins with a curiosity to learn. We want to give you the ability to truly understand personal finance and apply this knowledge to your personal life. Then take what you learn and educate your peers, share your stories, and together, we can really change how young students and recent college graduates, look at financial literacy.
Our platform is committed to being a resource for students of all ages to prepare them for life after college and to instill them with upmost confidence regarding their finances. Whether your only income is an allowance, you just started your first job, you are looking to move out, or buy a car, there are other students out there like you. Check out the video below to learn more.
Don’t worry, we’ve been there too.
College Money Habits was created as a platform to educate students and young adults on financial literacy and its core components. It’s never too early to start learning about money and how it works and the sooner you get a grasp on it, the better off you’ll be in the future.
What makes our platform different is that it is developed by students and recent graduates, people just like you, who are going through the same problems and asking the same questions. Our founder, Obioha, started working on this website his senior year of college to respond to all the questions he was getting from friends about investing in the stock market.
Whether you just landed your first job and are wondering how much money you should save, we’ve got helpful budgeting tips for you.
Looking to start investing in the stock market? Learn how other students got started and what strategies are available to new investors who don’t have thousands of dollars to spend.
Maybe you just graduated college and have a pile of student loans, we know what it feels like!
How can we help you?
Let’s be realistic, we’re not going to show you how to make millions in the stock market, neither are we going to pay your student loans, or car note. But, our objective is to provide you with the tools and knowledge so that when you have to make these decisions, you’re not overwhelmed, and can come prepared.
We can’t pay off your credit card debt, but we explain how to use a credit card, and common mistakes to avoid. Saving money is hard, but it’s not impossible. Take the first step towards learning the importance of saving, and how to start budgeting.
Not only have we likely experienced what you’re going through, but we are still figuring it out. College Money Habits, is created by, and made for, students. We’ve gone around and collected stories from college students about their largest questions surrounding personal finance, and lessons from what they’ve done right.
Also, we want to hear from you! If you’re struggling with a concept, or simply have a personal question you’d like for us to answer, send us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
You’d be surprised how you begin to look at life once you become financially literate. The fact that you’re reading this means you’re already on the right track, keep it up!
Feel free to get started with our Financial Foundations competency quiz. Click below! Also, check out our blog, The Blueprint.