Private Coaching

Whether you’re looking to change the way you budget, pay off debt, or start investing, I am here to help.

Work with me 1:1.

Looking to start improving your finances? I’d love to help you out! Start by choosing one of the options below to schedule time with me and I will reach out afterwards to make sure we’re a good fit for one another and to answer any initial questions you have.

Follow College Money Habits on Instagram?? Let me know during your free consultation and you’ll receive a discount on your first full session!

Have questions? Send me an email at

Pick My Brain

Don’t know where to begin? That’s OK! No matter what questions you have, I am here as a resource to help you figure things out. I’ve struggled with concepts such as budgeting, credit, and investing in the past so I understand how confusing it all can be. If you have questions, need some guidance, or just want to voice your financial concerns, schedule a 1hr “Pick My Brain” Session.

What’s Included:

  • 20 minute consultation

  • 60 minute coaching session to discuss any of the following topics:

    • Investing

    • Building Credit

    • Budgeting & Saving

    • Paying Off Debt

    • Creating a Website

*Prior to our call, we will schedule a 20 minute free consultation to make sure we are aligned on your goals and what you hope to achieve during our longer session.

If there is another topic you’d like to discuss that you don’t see here, send an email to prior to booking a session.

Rate: $150

Learning to Invest

Investing is one of the greatest ways to build long-term wealth but it can be challenging to get started. Between different apps and platforms, fees, investment types, and taxes, there is a lot to navigate when it comes to the stock market.

I have been investing for close to seven years and want to work with you to help you figure out what type of investor you are, establish an investment strategy and get you started on your journey. During this session, I will talk you through the basics of investing, share some do’s and don’ts, and provide you with the knowledge and confidence to get started on your investment journey.

What’s Included:

  • 20 minute consulting session

  • 60 minute coaching session

  • One 30 minute follow up after the session

If you have questions about this session, send an email to

Rate: $200

Financial Coaching

Looking to get your finances back on track or looking for an accountability buddy? Lets work together! As your financial coach, I will work with you to craft a plan that supports your lifestyle and enables you to achieve your financial goals.

If you’re looking to break bad money habits, pay off debt, bulk up your savings, improve your credit score, or start investing, there has never been a better time to start creating a plan.

We will start with a free consultation to meet one another and see if we are a good fit for one another. During this call, we will discuss your key goals, what you hope to gain from long-term coaching and pricing.

Basic Package:

  • 20 minute initial consulting session

  • 60 minute coaching session (one for every 3 months)

  • Monthly review of financial plan (30mins)


3 Months: $375

6 Months: $700

12 Months: $950

Enhanced Package:

  • 20 minute initial consulting session

  • Weekly or Bi-Weekly 15 minute check-ins

  • 60 minute coaching sessions (1 per month)

  • Monthly review of financial plan (30mins)


3 Months: $600

6 Months: $1,000

12 Months: $1,750

*All plans are recurring monthly subscriptions that can be cancelled anytime. Special student pricing available upon request.

Ready to Get Started?


Pick My Brain Session

“During my session with Obi, we covered general budget ratios and practical rules of thumb for setting the right budget for each of the categories that matter to me, including some atypical, yet personally non-negotiable spending areas. Obi gave me a clear understanding of how well I was already doing, along with some tips for improving how I bucket and track certain expenses related to my business, rather than my individual person. Since we spoke, I’ve begun to rearrange by budget, re-organize my personal financial view, and feel a lot better organized when it comes to my personal finances – thanks so much Obi!”

- Josh M.